The CIA consists of two organized written tests with 25 marks for each. Out of two tests, the better one will be considered. It is expected that the staff member in-charge of the course explains the modalities of the evaluation pattern adopted for each course at the beginning of each semester. The mark statement of each CIA component, evaluated by the staff member, is handed over to the Office of the Controller of Examinations on the dates specified in the College Calendar.
Two series of organized written tests (I Internal and II Internal) of 2 hours duration each are conducted in the course of around 40th working day and 80th working day respectively in each semester, as indicated in the calendar. These written tests carry a weightage of 25% marks for each written test for UG and PG.
The Question paper Pattern of both organized written tests for CIA and Semester Examination (SE) includes
(i) Short answer type questions
(ii) Paragraph essay type questions
(iii) Essay type questions
(v) Case Studies to evaluate the various skills in learning
The evaluated answer scripts are returned to the students within 10 days from the date of the conduct of the tests and the marks are displayed / read in the Department. Any irregularity in the conduct of any CIA component should be brought to the notice of the HOD concerned / Controller of Examinations & Principal for clarification or remediation.