The request for revaluation should be submitted in the prescribed Application Form. The Application can be downloaded from the college website. A fee of Rs. 350/- per paper for UG students, Rs. 450 per paper for PG students and Rs. 550 for MCA students should be paid in the UCO Bank, Govt. Arts College branch and the challan must be enclosed along with the application.
Original Mark Statement SHOULD NOT be enclosed. Enclose a Xerox copy of the Internet Result along with the application.
Requisition for revaluation must reach the Controller of Examinations within 10 DAYS from the date of publication of results.
There is no provision for revaluation of practical examination.
Incomplete / defective application will be rejected and the revaluation fee will neither be refunded nor adjusted towards any fee.
Revaluation result will be sent to the Department concerned.